My beautiful catalyst towards healing

Throughout my life’s journey I always felt a that there’s more than meets the eye as I’m sure many of you reading have as well. For some of you there’s always been a connection to the unseen; yet for myself it took a lot of trials to get here. There’s been a lot I’ve overcome and undergone which had left me feeling very confused and victimized most of my life.

In the last 5 years I had c.f.s (chronic fatigue syndrome) or Epstein Barr. My symptoms were similar to Mono accompanying muscle aches and light sensitivity. This condition was debilitating to say the least and I found myself trudging through my days at work, as a mother and in life in general. I had spent thousands on every type of naturopath and healing modality I could with not much lasting success. I was giving up hope that I’d ever feel healthy and have vitality again!

About a year and a half ago I found my self in a relationship that triggered all of my symptoms . At first I was clueless to the correlation at all! At one point, through divine intervention, I found myself reaching out to a Medical Intuitive. This woman happens to be my teacher today and I’m beyond grateful for her! Through my reading a seed was planted for me of the interconnection between the mind, body and spirit.

I continued in my relationship and started spending a lot more time looking at ways my mind, body  and intuition would speak to me while I would experience triggers to my unresolved wounds. This relationship brought up every issue I can think of and before too long, we began the yo yo dance of back and forth. What I finally started realizing is that when I wasn’t in that situation my symptoms would dissipate, and when I was participating they would emerge and with full force. It was at this time that I realized that the mind and body are woven and respond to one another through signals and energy.  I eventually left this relationship with the superb awakening of my life’s path. So began my journey as a medical intuitive!