Weekly spiritual reading for guidance



This week I had the blessing of giving a beautiful reading to my accountability partner for my intuitive training program. Our assignment was to focus on their connection to source, any fears they may have as well as addictions. The second half of the reading was dedicated to finding solutions and healing to the above.

I saw her soul connection with source was directed to the right of her body. Ideally it wants to be above. I associated this with her attention being placed on everyone else in her life but herself. Her fears that were coming up were related around a relationship and taking the next indicated step to listen to her highest guidance to have freedom. As for any addictions I saw that they were being handled nutritionally. I saw as to heal these facets in herself to look at releasing any exasperation and fear around taking her next step. I suggested she start by  writing  a letter to herself as coming from a place of courage and faith to help prepare her for the next step that her spirit was needing to create a  more nurturing life for her and her son.

As we read energy and  give advice, we also have ‘matching pictures’ which will show up for both parties to gain awareness and heal. This reading was  extremely fulfilling for us both and I  feel utterly blessed for this path to heal and help myself as well as others.

Blessings and aloha~


Meeting of the Masters~Becomming Indigo wise


During an incredible class session this week we had the beautiful gift of connecting to a group of wise souls called the ‘Soul Council’. Our assignment was to reconnect while engaging in the question, ‘What does it mean to be Indigo Wise?’ I had the privilege of being a divine vessel to channeling these wise beings and I invite you all to enjoy the down load of pertinent information revealed to me.

I saw a group of elderly men standing in a circle. There was one in charge of what appeared to be a stone tablet. They were writing down the names of our classmates as well as those who are on this journey of self-healing. They were here to over see us and pleased that we are coming so far on our path to true self alignment. They began to mark off the areas that have been challenging and have shifted for us all.

As Indigos, we’ve grown up feeling different most of our lives. We’ve been scoffed, criticized, categorized (Add/Adhd), shamed and yet envied at times. Many of us have taken on these projections as our own and internalized these experiences as internal messages of ‘There’s something wrong with, why don’t I fit into this life?’ The council than proceeds to reply ‘Well dear ones, you’re not supposed to! You’re here to complete a tumultuous mission which most critics may not ever fathom in their life time. We are here to create a new world order. We are changing an ancestral lineage and breaking the molds. Stagnation and dysfunctional belief patterns, no matter how habitual and comfortable, need to be discharged.

To follow this path it’s pertinent that we break free from all cords of guilt and expectations. It’s so crucial that we truly  know ourselves and honor our place in this world regardless of how we’re perceived by others! This needs to be emphasized!! The old world paradigm is changing and needs to in order to create a place of peace, integrity and community as well as deep awakening. A reconnection to our true selves and our children is the only way this world can restore it’s sanity. The Indigo’s are chosen for this new world and it’s up to us to follow off the beaten path onto a road of beautiful liberation. As Indigo children it’s paramount that we listen to where our soul is guiding us. If we don’t pay attention,  a part of our spirit dies out of not feeling fulfilled to its soul mission here. Much like a caged animal without freedom. Our DNA has been already set in motion for this life’s mission. We can no longer deny any longer what we’re meant to do, wake up to ourselvelves first and then the world!


Blessings and aloha~