Excercise and Cancer- Movement to Wellness


In this weeks class of medical intuition, we began the deep topic of Cancer.   This is a disease which affects far too many and most of us have known at least 1 person in our lives who has gone through this unimaginable experience. When we see movies our shows on television the cancer patient is usually seen in more sedentary positions and not very active. Meanwhile assuming rest and more rest to be the answer to healing though this is not the case.

What I came to find out through research is that while undergoing cancer treatment, it’s extremely important on a variety of levels to keep moving! There are many different stages that a cancer patient undergoes. For many who have had chemotherapy and radiation especially woman, a hard challenge to face is fatigue and bone density loss. In this case exercise could be considered for shorter durations throughout the day. Weight training as well and cardio is helpful for many reasons such as helping with bone density, improving muscle mass, helping fatigue, improved sleep, improving constipation and overall mood. Professor Robert Newton who’s the co-director of the ‘Exercise Medicine Research group, stated that during a particular study of patients who exercised, he found that they had less fatigue as well as improvement with nausea, which is a side affect of Chemo and radiation.

To say that exercise helps patients is an understatement. Exercise drastically improves a patient’s quality of life. Though it’s important to realize that there are many stages and types of cancer so it would help to research a modality that suits your individual needs and always consult a physician when undergoing a new regimen for yourself.  Allowing your body to be your guide through movement is essential. The important thing to remember for those who have Cancer is to find things that bring you joy amidst this challenging time and to love and be gentle with yourself!


Food for Life


I have always been a health advocate. I have gone through a myriad of illnesses with very few answers from my Dr.’s in the last 7 years.  I have  always known that health was important but perhaps not realizing that my idea of healthy eating could be flawed.

For our class in Medical Intuition we were assigned to watch a movie called ‘What the Health’. I had no idea what it was about then realized it was supporting a vegan lifestyle. I resisted listening initially and later noticed how every preconceived notion I had about eating animal protein was actually false! As this movie was filled with facts from actual Physicians who had seen patients health dramatically improve in 2 weeks. A woman who had dozens of symptoms from asthma to heart disease was able to eliminate all of her medications and for the first time in a year be able to excercise.

My feeling initially was where will humans get our protein?  I had been told that our canine teeth were part of our omnivorous nature. Well come to find out our incisors aka (canines) are actually significantly smaller than a meat-eating animal. Another amazing fact I learned was how as babies we drink our mother’s milk. For all of our lives we’re told milk is good for you for protein and calcium; only to learn that human milk is the lowest of many animals as far as the protein content!

It was an incredible eye opener to learn how the pharmaceutical companies as well as the Agriculture industry literally throws money at our government to keep us ill as well as blind! They are in fact the biggest money makers in the world and at the expense of humans and animals that are ill-treated, disease ridden and pumped with antibiotics and fed with Gmo corn and soy food! All of what these animals experience we are experiencing on a cellular level.

I’m not here to turn anyone into a vegan, that isn’t my mission, but I’m willing for myself to at least try eating a plant-based diet. What do I have to lose? Perhaps an auto immune issue that has had me ill for 7 years!  As far as what I will gain, perhaps a feeling of wellbeing and optimal health and longevity. I ask that anyone considering their health and the health of the collective give this movie a chance. It could change your perspective.

