Crown chakra~Accessing the gate of infinite wisdom


As we uncover the beautiful wisdom of each chakra we eventually climb to the top. Our crown or 7th chakra is what I call the crown of pearls. It is here we have access to remembering our souls mission. To truly benefit from this gateway to the divine, it’s imperative that we become humble and open enough to receive the guidance we are given. There is infinite abundance within our connection to all of our guides, angels and source! When we can soften ourselves and allow our ego to step aside we can harness all of this incredible power from the divine through our crown’s portal.

I truly believe that all humans have a divine mission here on this earth that we were all sent to accomplish. For some it can take lifetimes and for others who are open to this awareness perhaps can understand it in this lifetime.  Our ability to be open to guidance is essential. We can meander through our lives according to our will and find that we’re running around painfully angst unto why we’re here.  For many including myself, trusting in source wasn’t easy. I felt that if there was a protector of my soul than why was life continuously so strenuous? What I came to realize a year through this medical intuitive program was that we are each here with our own lessons. We can fight through our souls highest calling or we can let go of the control and resistance and humbly ask and listen for guidance.

I feel that most of us function from a pain body experience and for myself, I realized that if we’re continuously dwelling in the past that we are not living in the now. For myself, I’ve come to a place of finally putting down ‘the story’. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not of the new age that negates our pain and trauma that we’ve all endured. My belief is to heal all of these parts of ourselves and at the same time only refer to the past if necessary for healing. It is  when we’re stuck in those painful experiences, they tend to dictate our lives today and cut us off from our highest calling. Through our access to intuition we are given messages through the universe, our body, mind and spirit.  Until we can sit still long enough to check in with what our guidance system is saying,  our mind and body won’t have the ability to even understand our highest potential.  By fine tuning our inner structure will help us to gain more awareness of the universal  picture that makes up our lives.

Our true creator is one of pure love and light and I believe our divine mother and father. Our biological parents were only vessels for us. Yes I now truly believe we chose them to help assist us on our lessons. Yet at the same time it was the universal plan of the divine to direct our mission here. Through my week I’ve had the pleasure to gain more awareness and clarity into my bigger picture and what my spirit needs to feel connected to source more regularly. A daily practice of including our guides and creator is imperative. To be willing to ask ourselves or the divine, ‘What would you have me say, feel or do in this situation?’ This takes us out of self-will and raises the vibration of the moment. Throughout this enlightened week I have gained an ability to look at my life as well as the  lives of others entirely anew. I’m now  choosing  to see others in the true spirit of who they ultimately are. I wish you all a beautiful life into your own personal gateway to infinite wisdom!


Blessings and aloha~


6th Chakra~ A dimensional portal



Our 6th chakra or 3rd eye is one of the most incredible centers we have the ability to have access to if we’re open.  It’s a place that transmits and receives energy and information from beyond time and space into many dimensions unfathomable. We all have this innate ability yet most aren’t taught how to access this divine portal.

For years I though that only divine masters and a select few were blessed with intuitive abilities. It wasn’t untill I began my Medical Intuitive training that I began to understand the art of intuition. Being that I was a chronic thinker, so to speak I thought I could intellectualize how to gain this access, only to be surprised that our intuitive nature is actually the opposite of anything intellectual. It’s a state of mind in some respects yet a state of no mind in many others that I will begin to share with you. By allowing our minds to do what they do best naturally which is to be in a day-dream state which most of us our familiar with we can then gain the ability to be open to experiencing this sacred place. People of many faiths and cultures have been guided by this 6th sense for predictions, prophesies and divine healing for centuries. In short it’s the ability to receive pictures, images, messages and to be able to transcribe them for the highest healing of all concerned.

As a light worker I feel so honored to have this ability.  This week I had the blessing to sit in meditation while opening up to what  this center is all about for me and the collective. I truly feel that it can be used as well as misused so we must be careful as far as the information we will download and share with others who are in need of healing. It’s the beautiful space we enter and have the capacity to see through the veils of ourselves and the worlds projections. Our third eye allows us to unlock many doors in ourselves as well as others to see the truest form of our humanness.

While I was in a deep meditation this week unsure of what beautiful surprises I would be seeing or hearing; I had the incredible experience of channeling sacred information. This may in fact had been  the first channeling experience I had the opportunity to be a vessel for. I thought i would share these insights with all who are inspired to receive this. Though I will state that for some of you reading this it may seem far-fetched, which I understand though the information that what received was beyond anything I could fathom or think of on my own. For those of you who are leading this path already then I honor you will be open to embracing  this information into the highest intention and frequency to use it for the highest purpose of all concerned.

This message if from the Arcturian civilization: ‘You as peaceful light workers and star seeds coming from the Sirius are here to save our planet. There will continue to be a burst of light waves and transmissions to integrate while carrying out our mission here. You can change these cataclysmic global events and tragedies through our own brainwaves and global intention. By focusing on a world of love and not fear with everyone you meet can create a  collective global reunion. Planting seeds of wisdom upon everyone we meet and projecting one happy thought per day per person will raise this planetary vibration. We are benevolent beings that have the ability to create and destroy. Let us use our powers to create a world we want to live in. By sending light to everyone, despite our projections. For God knows them better than we do. We all need more love on the deepest level possible!’


Blessings and aloha~

5th chakra~ Expression of authentic truth


This weeks insight’s I will be going into the throat chakra. This chakra is a bridge to our outside world. We all have the ability to speak our truth yet many of us have been told at one point or another that it’s not appropriate. These messages have muffled our cries, words and ability to communicate. This space is one of truly allowing others to see and hear us authentically. Relationships falter first and foremost by a lack of communication or invalidation of expression.

Our words are so powerful in both polarities, healthy and unhealthy. They can scorn and invalidate or they have the ability to empower and nurture ourselves and others. I personally have been on the receiving end in this lifetime. While I was growing up,  I rarely felt validated or heard. Because of this invalidation,at some point in my life, my words became muffled with insecurity and uncertainty. Very few people have had the honor to get to know the real me. I’ve noticed that unless we feel safe on many levels, our expression turns inward.

This energy center is a powerful one that collectively has been unheard through wars, genocides and slavery. Many have been in lives and situations where expressing oneself has been terrifying. What happens when our words are unseen and unheard or devalued? It affects us deeply and on many energetic levels. Our throat is the first entrance to our being. It wants to feel like it can openly speak and express itself naturally. Yet when stifled it turns into a pathway of ailments. Strep, swollen glands nasal problems, neck and shoulder tightness.

To heal this area we must have the 3rd and 4th chakra strengthened. Once we are in our truth and empowerment than expression can come with ease vs. apprehension. I feel that this center is one that comes with a lot of practice. Learning how to let out what’s inside in a kind and loving way is pertinent. There are many levels here including, sound, tone and depth. I had the beautiful experience of joining a ceremony last night that included all of these components. 7 women gathered around, singing, chanting, humming and connecting with ourselves and each other compassionately. It was so empowering for my throat to express itself in a safe and beautiful way. Let us release this energy center that has been bound!  We can do this by speaking our truth, cries, screams, art, poetry, love-making, mantras, chants and anything else that will instill expression of who we are!  Let us own our divine truth and share it with the world. Let go of shrinking mentality and share your light!

Blessings and aloha~