The consciousness of our liver



While navigating through our medical intuitive class I had the luxury to put our beautiful organ, our liver, under a psychic microscope. The liver has so many components physically and emotionally. This powerhouse of an organ filters everything that goes inside of our body! Basically the liver calls the shots in terms of what the body utilizes and releases. As well as foods and chemicals it has the ability to house some pretty deep emotions.

Through shedding some light on this organ, we looked at various emotions that we were storing inside our liver, predominantly the negative ones which stored long enough can prevent our liver from operating smoothly. Our liver wants to have smooth and graceful experiences and to allow emotions to come in as well as be swept out in a healthy fluid motion is so important to a happy liver. So the next time you decide to harbor an emotion, ask your liver how it feels about bringing in that emotional guest. Love your liver!

~Blessings and aloha