Creating Beautiful Boundaries


As we go through our day, do you ever notice how much of our focus is spent on others? If you’re a sensitive being, then it’s almost second nature to be in a conversation with someone as they’re telling you their problems and meanwhile you’re absorbing it all. Part of us gets so absorbed in being there for others that we have a difficult time knowing where we end and they begin. We all  do this unconsciously and at many times in our lives we’ve played both roles. The role of the dumper and the dumpee!

In the last week I’ve had many amazing experiences and lessons in boundaries. Multiple people have been drawn to me to listen. Now let me explain. There’s a difference between being in a reciprocal conversation that feels as though both parties are having  a conversational exchange of sharing, and a conversation where you’re sitting there listening to someone go on and on about all of their problems. As I continued to be there for these people, throughout the week I felt my energy become completely drained and almost felt ill for days. Finally the light bulb went off!

When we pay close attention to our body and energetic field we will start to notice that when in this situation we will walk away feeling energetically and physically drained and a sense of negativity. That is because we’ve taken on their problems as if they were ours to take on! Their energy became our energy. Before we know it we’re completely feeling out of sorts.

Therefore it is OUR job to check in when in this situation. Asking ourselves a few questions, How am I feeling? Am I feeling like my energy is being sucked from me? Am I anxious?

The good news is when we start to notice any of these symptoms there are tools! We can do a quick scan of our bodies and picture our energy body as particles, see ourselves gathering up all of our particles from the other person that we’ve unconsciously given away.  Picture a broken egg shell coming together; we will begin to feel all of our essence coming back to us. we can practice being in a place of neutrality. Another way is to create a color around our body that feels like protection. Know that their issues are theirs and not meant for us to take on or in. Lastly we always have the right to end a conversation if that feels safer.

It is no one’s job or obligation to fix anyone’s issues, whether large or small. There are practitioners that are being paid money to do that! We can only hold space for those in crisis out of a true wanting. Our time and energy is valuable. Love yourself enough to begin to create your beautiful boundaries!

To learn more about energy work and my sessions visit

Blessings and aloha~