Sugar: the good the bad and the ugly

Today I will be writing about a sweet and yet dangerous food that we all eat…sugar. As we awake, we make our tea and coffee and add whatever we can to spruce it up a bit for the sake of our palate. Whether it’s honey, sugar, maple syrup or agave, it all has the same effect believe it or not!

During our homework for my Medical intuitive class we were to do a reading on one another on the subject of sugar. We were to look at both the negative and positive effects. What I discovered immediately in my reading of my homework partner were little hard-shelled looking bugs, that mimicked something similar to a tick. These little bugs had energy of dominance, strength and determination to keep each other alive. While my partner had admitted she was in the middle of a cleanse,  what I happened to see was a few little critters, which I equated to being candida in her head. These little bugs had only one agenda, and that agenda was to keep alive! Candida is a strong-willed fungus that is extremely old and loves to live in places that foster its diet which is sugar.

I also saw that they have the ability to go dormant and yet can rear their heads in different parts of our body, via the head, genitals, bladder and feet. While they are being threatened through anti fungal herbs, they go into panick and fight to keep each other alive, this is why yeast is so tricky to get rid of. They work together in a militant fashion and meanwhile cause horrible symptoms; some of which include, brain fog, fatigue, yeast infections, irritability and depression. I personally showed up at a naturopath’s office to go over some of these symptoms and immediately he said “We need to get you on a cleanse!” I would of never guessed candida was the issue to my CFS! As I told him that I had Epstein Barr he mentioned that the two go hand in hand! Since I’ve been on this cleanse using a product called, Monolaurin, which is derived from coconut oil, I began to feel a difference in the first week! My cravings for sugar are slowly decreasing as well.

As much as cleanses are great for our body in so many areas, it’s also important to work on the addiction behind sugar. We choose sweets for so many reasons, whether it’s nostalgia of family tradition around holiday times, habit or even just that rush we get in the first 20 minutes when it hits our blood stream. We can learn to find other foods and activities that nourish and soothe us while appreciating and honoring our bodies at the same time. I ask that to all of you reading this blog that you can look into self-awareness around what sugar may mean to you and finding other more beneficial foods that will keep your mind and body functioning from a clear place of natural vitality during the holidays!

~Blessings and aloha


The need to please~Uncovering my soul’s journey


Today in self-reflection I decided to do a reading on my soul’s purpose. This was a reading I’d never thought to do yet incredibly glad I did! As I sat and thought about all of my lessons of hardship through the years I asked to be shown why I chose this life as well as the parents I was born to. I specifically wanted to unravel this need to please others and the tie I had to that feeling of obligation. I uncovered pure magic through my clairvoyant pictures.

A few of my lessons revolved around staying true to my desires apart from others wants and needs. I journeyed through all of the ways that I become triggered through criticism and a sense of invalidation of my needs and desires. In perfect unison, the universe decided to provide me with a mother, a teacher as well as a landlord to help me heal. Here I was thinking I was being punished through these experiences until today. What I saw was the energy and expectations shooting at me from these people, as I witnessed myself anxious while feeling like a disappointment. As I looked at this I recognized that pleasing others comes from the fear of disappointing them. It’s a package deal. The need to please a mother that was never satisfied or a father who always questioned my path was confusing and at times felt extremely unsafe and un-supportive. Herein lied my lesson. How to strengthen myself and to love myself with such certainty that nothing could shake my foundation.

I then when deeper into my reading to discover that people’s energy is in fact separate! What a concept I thought while laughing to myself. I saw that I had a choice unto how to interpret others demands. What I came up with was the most important realization  I’ve had in a while, ‘It’s NOT personal’!  Others demands are just that, their stuff. How we project onto others weather softly or harshly comes from whatever need for control we or they are having. It’s not for us to fix, bend over backwards  or make amends for. Now don’t get me wrong. I’m still asking us to be unaccountable for our actions, but to come from a more neutral place. When we are triggered by a verbal attack we can monitor how it feels. Does any of what someone said ring any truth and resonate or does it go against every core belief of self value that we have?

While I looked at this from every angle I began to get my soul’s lesson from a place that I would have never thought. It’s not about what others do but about our truth and once we are strong enough to really get this concept on every cell of our being, body, mind and spirit. The lesson will be completed. The events won’t show up anymore and the universe will sigh a sigh of relief and rejoice to us coming back home to our true divine nature.

~Blessings and aloha