Owl spirits~ A children’s fable


Deep in the mountains high up in the redwoods lived a family of owls. There was a momma owl, a papa owl, a sister owl and a brother. Now these weren’t just ordinary birds, oh no, they were spirit owls! Spirit owls are here to bring peace and comfort to special children who’ve just entered into the spirit world.

One day mama and papa owl knew it was time to share their gifts and knowledge with sister and brother owl. They decided to have that special talk. Mama owl says to her little owlets, ‘Today is a special day, we will be teaching you about ancient wisdom and how to use your gifts to help human children and their families.’ Brother and sister owl listened intently. Then papa owl chimed in, ‘Our job is to help children feel safe and less confused as we prepare them for their next soul’s adventure into another life.’ The owlets were so excited about this adventure and they said ‘Yeah! We finally get to play with human children!’ Papa then said ‘Yes, but it’s not just playing, it’s a job that takes dedication and focus as well. I know you both are ready!’

Their  first mission was to start that evening. They were advised to wait for a sign from Grandpa owl. While they waited Mama and Papa owl began explaining about how important their wings were and how to use them to protect the children.  He went on to talk about their eyes. The eyes showed the  children pictures that they understand to help them feel safe and remind them of there beautiful life on earth that they had.

Sister and brother listened with focus and asked many questions, they both wanted to make sure they understood their valuable jobs in owl country. At exactly 10:00 pm they received the sign from Grandpa  and they flew the coop! Away they flew as Grandpa guided them to the destination, which was in a hospital. There lay a little boy about their age and he had passed to the spirit world from an illness.

Sister and brother began to see the childs spirit glowing a beautiful rainbow of colors. These colors were his aura which is the energy in and around everyone which holds valuable information. Just then the little boy named Gerald said out loud, ‘Where am I and why are my parents crying?’ This was the cue to assist him. So right away brother started to use his wings to help blow away all of Gerald’s fear and help him relax. Sister began showing Gerald through her eyes beautiful pictures of his life and how much his family loved him. They showed him that the spirit world was his new home and he had another family that would protect him up  in the light. Then the owlets began to work their magic on the family. They showed the family that God was up their awaiting Gerald’s arrival and would love him just as much as they do.  The family felt relieved and were ready to find peace.

Off they escorted little Gerald to a world so beautiful he could hardly believe his eyes, there were flowers and rainbows everywhere as well as animals and other human spirits. There were even children! God welcomed him into this beautiful kingdom with open arms and a big hug. Gerald felt the peace and began to feel at home again.

Once the owlets came home they told their parents everything and Mama and Papa exclaimed how proud they were of them both! That night sister and brother slept soundly with dreams of beautiful auras and bouncy children in the arms of God. This is the story of owl’s powerful medicine that is always around. You can even call on an owl anytime you wish to bring comfort and feel at peace. Sweet owl dreams, hooo hooo.

The eyes through Honu


Turtle’s are amongst the most methodical and slow-moving creatures here on this planet. Surprising to many they have been around for approximately 220 million years! There’s a beautiful grace amongst this species that this week in our animal communication class we were asked to channel. All of the students had similar insights into what they’re here to teach us! We have much to learn and value from turtles,  first and foremost being, mastering the art of slowing down. There’s a divine grace amongst these beautiful creatures that we can learn  so much from. Taking our time in our lives is so pertinent that many of us go into auto pilot through our days. Learning to observe our surroundings in a methodical way and realizing that we can speed through life or take our time and enjoy it, while recognizing that everything we NEED to take care of will be yet in a more peaceful way if we so choose.

A Hui Hou to our divine Honu!

~Blessings and Aloha~

Owl Wisdom


This week I was blessed to channel and connect with a wise owl. These keen observers of the night are here to preserve and teach us many ancient ways if we are opened to listen. His message was to rise above the world of thought and connect to old ancient wisdom that allows us to learn to be the observer with in and around us. Allow the silence deep inside of us to permeate our body, mind and spirit. The stillness inside will connect us with our deep truth and inner wisdom. When we release the chattering mind we are keen observers. We can allow an infiltration of our energy waves to conncect our lives in synchronized patterns of flight to where we are needing to be. There is a deep knowing and truth that resides amongst all of us if we are still enough to listen. Bask yourself in nature and enjoy your stillness and connection to your inner widom and nobility.